Friday, January 25, 2013

Homework 4 Discussion Problem.

In addition to the regular HW 4, you are invited to participate in the enclosed discussion problem related to creating sp4 bonding states.  Please feel free also to bring up anything else related to sp3, sp4 and the geometry of molecular bonding in general.

How would you create sp4 states from the first excited states of hydrogen?

(Also, as an aside, I noticed that all the integrals of HW3 came down to doing one integral: the integral of x*Psi2r*Psi2x or, equivalently, the integral of y*Psi2r*Psi2y, each over all 3-D space.
In spherical co-ords one gets:
  an integral of phi from 0 to 2pi, (which is pi),
  an integral of theta from 0 to pi, (which is 4/3),
  and an integral of [(r^5/2a) - r^4] exp(-r/a),  which is 120a^6/(2a) - 24a^5 = 36a^5,
  which is then divided by (8*pi*a^4) to get (48/8)a
  = 6a.
Does that seem correct?)

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