Monday, February 25, 2013

Midterm Scores

Below pleased find a sheet with midterm scores with names removed. I would like to tell you that anyone in the class can still get "an A". If you do much better on the final, that will be taken into account so that you can get a grade that reflects your actual understanding. This will not effect anyone else. There is not limit on the number of high grades that can be earned.

One of the main values of a midterm is to prepare you for the final, which will be similar in style and approach. Sometimes having a clear idea what to expect can be very helpful. There will not be any tricks. As in this midterm, I will basically tell you what will be on the test -- what will be asked. It may be useful to look back through the midterm preparation posts and see how they could have helped you more. I think they previewed every problem except 4b and 7 (and even those to some degree).

Since there are some inherent uncertainties in grading, I would like to give everyone a "+5". That is, you actually get a score 5 pts higher than what you see. That takes into account the possibility that you may have been graded too harshly or misunderstood. However, if you want to see about getting more points (regrading), you will be starting from your actual score and working up from there. Does that make sense? This is basically to avoid inadvertently having a system that penalizes people who do not dispute their score. Unless you find something really dramatic, it is often better to spend your
time studying and learning.

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