As things get more complex and interwoven, it becomes even more important (critical even) to prepare before each class (for you, that is). Mostly that involves spending some time (1/2 hour, an hour, 4 hours...) looking critically at what we did in the previous class and thinking about what could come next. For example, coming into tomorrow's class you would be helped by going over: the expressions for crystal states, the energy of crystal states, the velocity of crystal states, how these things depend on k, the units of k... Thinking about those things, what they are, etc., will be essential to following what we will do for the next 3 classes or so, which will lead to an understanding of a pn junction LED, LASER and solar cell.
The homework for this week is a good place to find the relevant equations, relations and problems related to Thursday's class.
These are some very rough notes related to future classes. I don't think they are very helpful but i put them here just in case i am wrong about that:

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